RWTH Aachen, Wissenschaftlicher MItarbeiter (Research Associate)
June 2020 - Current
As research associate at the Institute of Applied Ethics, I am a member of the reserach project “ELSA-AID - Künstliche Intelligenz in medizinischer Diagnostik: Ethische, berufliche und soziale Aspekte” (PI Saskia Nagel) in which we investigate the ethical ramifications of AI-assisted medical diagnoses. Mainly the issues of responsibility, explainability, and trust between patients and doctors, as well as between doctors and machines.
Additionally, I will offer an introductory course on climate ethics in the fall term (Wintersemester) 2022/2023.
university of Siegen, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Research Associate)
May 2018 - March 2020
As research associate at FoKoS (Forschungskolleg Siegen), I am working in the cooperative "Energy Responsibility" project by the University of Siegen, the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster and the Research Center Jülich. In this project, we are exploring the connections of responsibility, acceptability, appropriateness and acceptance of energy production systems and the individual responsibility of energy consumption.
university of Siegen, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Research Associate)
June 2017 - May 2018
As a research associate to Prof. Gethmann, I was responsible for preparing his publications in German and English, assist in the preparation of Prof. Gethmann's classes. My position is with the research cluster "FoKoS", concerned with determining ways to ensure humane technological progress.
Brown University - Visiting Research Fellow
January 2017 - May 2017
I visited the Philosophy Department at Brown University by invitation of Prof. Jamie Dreier. There I worked on the role of dynamic semantics for noncognitivism, prescriptivism specifically, and the Frege-Geach problem. I audited a class by Nomy Arpaly on moral psychology and presented at the PhD seminar on moral update-semantics.
University of Siegen - wissenschaftliche Hilfskfraft (Research Assistant)
September 2014 - April 2017
As research assistant at the Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems Group, a group of PhD students in computer sciences, I assisted in preparing and performing the introductory courses on the ethics of technical acting. This involved translations of papers and slides as well as other communicative tasks.
University of Southern California - Visiting Scholar
July 2016 - December 2016
I visited the Philosophy Department at USC by invitation of Prof. Mark Schroeder. There I worked on the Frege-Geach problem and noncognitivism, the motivational argument in normative and aesthetic judgments, and the theory of reasons. I audited a class on "Reasons" by Mark Schroeder and John Hawthorne and presented a paper on the motivation argument for noncognitivist theories at the institute's PhD seminar.
University of Missouri, Columbia - Visiting Scholar
July 2015 - December 2015
I came to the Philosophy Department of the University of Missouri in Columbia by the invitation of Prof. Peter Vallentyne. I worked on Scanlon's and Parfit's "Reasons fundamentalism" and audited Prof. Vallentyne's class on just war theory as well as Prof. Markie's class on legal philosophy.
University of Duisburg-Essen, Deanery of the arts Faculty - Studentische Hilfskraft (Student Assistant)
March 2013 - October 2013
I assisted Prof. Hartmann's office work as dean of the arts faculty at the University of Duisburg-Essen. I coordinated Prof. Hartmann's appointments and participated in meetings of administrative nature as well as his lectures.
Deutscher Bundestag, Bundestagsbüro Frank Schwabe - Intern
June 2013 - September 2013
For the general election for German parliament, I interned in Mr. Schwabe's office in Berlin. I worked to coordinate Mr. Schwabe's reelection campaign, specifically to increase voter turnout by door-to-door campaigning efforts, and assisted in work related to his legislative agenda, meetings with NGO's and other stakeholders.
University of Duisburg-Essen, Chair of the Philosophical Institute - Studentische Hilfskraft (Student Assistant)
November 2011 - March 2013
As student assistant to the chair of the philosophy department, I coordinated Prof. Gethmann's office hours, appointments and publications, and assisted in his lectures on philosophy of language, action and ethics.
European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment - Wissenschaftliche HIlfskfraft (Research Assistant)
June 2010 - July 2010 & April 2011 - September 2011
As research assistant at the European Academy, I compiled a dossier on the available literature of research in the motivations of vulnerable populations for participating in clinical trials. I also worked as the person of contact for the academy's scientific staff for literature research and providing the requested literature.
European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment - Intern
June 2009 - September 2009
As an intern at the European Academy, I monitored daily publications on topics of interest for the scientific staff, participated in meetings of the interdisciplinary research group "Normative Conditions for Radioactive Waste Disposal" and wrote protocols of the meetings.
AI ethics
Human-Machine Interactions
Philosophy of Language
Applied Ethics
Theory of Artificial Intelligence
Hans Blumenberg
Philosophy of Religion
WS 2022/2023 - Climate Ethics
SS 2022 - Human-Machine Relationships
WS 2021/2022 - Environmental Ethics
SS 2021 - Bias, Stereotypes, and Prejudice
WS 2020/2021 - Climate Ethics
Well well well, if it isn’t yet another exciting opportunity to work in AI ethics, sustainability, future of work,… https://t.co/J8oJihQeJe